
Welcome to the Philosophy of Education Society! You can join or renew here.  Please read the information below to better navigate the system.

Some information on memberships and renewals:  

  • PES offers 6 levels of membership.  Memberships are set to autorenew as a default, but you can opt out of this either when you join or at any point during the year.  To opt out while paying your membership fee: first, pay (it will tell you you will be charged annually) and then on the next screen click "stop recurring payments."  If you miss this, or change your mind, you can log in to your profile at any point and opt out of recurring payments. 

  • If you registered as a member after July 2019, you have an account in the system, and the renewal page should offer you a "login" icon at the upper right hand corner of the page.  Please start by logging in!  That will recall your address, university affiliation, etc, and avoiding setting up multiple accounts for you.   If you are a new member, or haven't been a member since before July 2019, the system should prompt you to set up an account.

  • Discounted subscription to digital issues of Educational Theory are available to members of PES. Information on how to access the journal, which moved to an on-line only format in 2023, will be shared with members mid-August, 2023. 

  • The system accepts MasterCard and Visa.  (American Express and Discover incur extra charges for PES, so we are unfortunately unable to accept those.).  You are also still welcome to pay by personal check, if you prefer. 

  • PES is charged a transaction fee for each transaction, including refunds. For this reason, we have instituted a $15.00 service fee for refunds.  

Memberships run from the date you sign up until the end of PES's business year, which is June 30.  PES membership levels are set up to respect differences in income, so please choose the appropriate level.  In joining the society or renewing your membership, you are doing your part to support an all-volunteer run professional society that has represented the field since 1941.  PES offers members discounted rates at our annual conference, a monthly news bulletin with information about professional development and publication opportunities, and the chance to become more involved in shaping our field through PES committees or as a reviewer for our journal, Philosophy of Education.  Please join or renew your membership! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Natasha Levinson, Executive Director at

Not interested in becoming a member but still want to support PES's mission? Visit our donation portal!

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