Current Committee Members:

  • Alaina Gostomski (Chair)
  • Ginger Barnhart (Chair-Elect)
  • Lauren Links (Historian)
  • Shapel LaBorde (Social Chair)

Purpose of the Committee:

The Graduate Student Committee (GSC) was formed in 2021 with the desire to provide a space for graduate students of the Philosophy of Education Society to build community, mentor and advocate for each other, and share common interests both at the annual meeting and throughout the year.

Navigating a conference like PES as an early graduate student can be difficult and intimidating. One goal of GSC is to welcome new graduate student members to the field and the PES conference experience. Curious about joining PES as a graduate student? Reach out to us with questions!

Additionally, the GSC works year-round to connect graduate students across institutions through initiatives such as writing workshops, book clubs, speaker series, and social gatherings.


To stay up to date with the latest events, news and information, sign-up for the Graduate Student Committee’s Newsletter by emailing:

In the email, write that you would like to be added to the newsletter subscriber list with your preferred email. Include the subject heading: Subscribing to newsletter.

For any other questions related to PES-GSC, please email:

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