Current Committee Members 2024 / 2025:

  • Chair: Winston Thompson
  • Kal Alston
  • Tyson Lewis
  • Naoko Saito
  • Annie Schulz
  • Sarah Stitzlein
  • David Waddington

Purpose of the Committee:

An Election Committee of seven members shall be elected in the following manner: At least four months before the annual business meeting of the Society, the Executive Director shall email to each member a list of names of eleven members of the Society selected by the President as candidates for the Election Committee. Each Member shall be asked to vote for seven of the persons whose names are on the list no later than three months before the annual business meeting. The seven persons receiving the most votes shall constitute the Election Committee, and the Executive Director shall notify the President of the names of the members elected. The President shall appoint one of the elected members Chair of the Election Committee.

The incoming Election Committee shall confer immediately, after which the Chair of the Election Committee shall seek suggestions for nominations from the Society's membership at large. In accordance with the Constitutional provisions for eligibility, the Election Committee will select one nominee for the position of President-Elect and two nominees each for the Executive Board and the Commission on Professional Affairs. The Chair of the Election Committee will supervise the nomination of one Member of the Society to serve as Executive Director, including there appointment of the sitting Executive Director in accordance with the three-year term limit. The Chair of the Election Committee will supervise the nomination of one Member of the Society to serve as Communications Director, including the reappointment of the sitting Communications Director.

After generating a list of nominations (from within the Election Committee and from the membership at large) the election committee shall confer electronically to select the President-Elect and the nominees for each of the other vacancies. The Chair of the Election Committee will then contact all of the nominees to make sure they are willing to serve or run for each position. At least one month before the annual business meeting the Executive Director shall conduct an election electronically for these positions to be completed prior to the annual meeting. The Election Committee Chair shall notify each of the nominees of the results of the election prior to the meeting, and then shall announce the persons elected at the annual business meeting.

Current Initiatives:

Elections Committee Jobs Manual

Elections Committee Discussion Forum
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