SIG Chair

Benjamin Paxton, University of Virginia

Purpose of the SIG:

The Ethics SIG of the Philosophy of Education Society is a community of philosophers and education scholars dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding relating to the ethical dimensions of education and teaching.

Ethical considerations enter into numerous dimensions of education, from the educator's teaching goals to the responsibilities of students to the relationship between educational institutions and society. Philosophical ethics provides many tools for thinking about such issues, but educational professionals do not widely study or understand them and philosophers disagree about their epistemic or metaethical foundation and their application.

One of PES’s oldest SIGs, central to our mission is the preservation of the collective memory of members’ efforts to advance the cause of ethics in teacher education and to create a space for educational policy studies within PES. 

This website serves to disseminate the work of the SIG, to act as a hub for building community, and to storehouse course syllabi and web resources relating to ethics in education. Please use the boxed links above to learn about people actively involved, access course syllabi and web resources, or to contact us.

Current Initiatives:

Ethics Discussion Forum
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