The PES By-Laws describe the Committee in Article I, Section 3:
“A Membership Committee of at least three members shall be appointed by the incoming President to staggered terms of three years. The Chair shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the committee members, and members shall not serve more than two successive terms. The function of the membership committee is to track (in consultation with the Executive Director) trends in conference registration and membership, consider ways of strengthening the connection of current members to the society, and explore means for attracting new members.”
Committee Business:
Review and discus the recent membership and registration numbers.
Bemoan state of field in a sort of constructive way.
Propose policies/actions that may strengthen membership and/or the field.
Plan and conduct a committee meeting during the PES annual meeting, typically a breakfast meeting, communicating the time and place to the Program Chair, so that it appears on the program.
Work with the Executive Director to track membership and registration trends.
Present committee report at the business meeting (or delegate).See Appendix 1 of 1.Humor appreciated. See bullet two of “Committee Business.”
Work with communication director on membership outreach.
Work with incoming president to identify new committee member. President extends the invitation.
Preserve organizational memory by communicating recent committee activities and concerns to the incoming chair.
Prior to Annual Meeting
Plan committee meeting during annual meeting, working with program chair.